Germen, 2021, Acryl on X-Rays, 250 cm x 150 cm

In dieser Coronazeit – Theater, Kultursektor ganz runtergefahren – habe ich Zeit mir mit Fraktaltheorie und 3D – Fractal Software zu beschäftigen. Ich produziere kurze Videos mit Mandelbulb3D und Blender 3D Grafik . Die kurze fraktale Videos inspirieren mich zu Malerein.



Sound: Marcus Schinkel

Copyright 2021 Lieve Vanderschaeve 

I´m making some videos with fractal 3D software and picked my favourite video sequence to have it set to music by the Jazz pianist and Progrock keyboarder Marcus Schinkel (VOYAGER IV). Germen is sort of a cosmic landscape where globes are spit and gobbled by the mountain tops, it´s a life cycle with permanent changes, a germ that got triggered and that triggers his surrounding…